
Factory of the Future: A Systems Approach

Factory of the Future: A Systems Approach


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Factory of the Future: A Systems Approach
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什么未来工厂“对你的意思?对于许多高管来说,关于未来工厂的讨论通常完全关注技术以及数字化如何改变制造工厂。一些领导者专注于特定用例和个人改进,例如如何在组装中使用增强现实(AR)眼镜,或者预测性维护如何改善设备的正常运行时间。Sustainabilitymay enter the conversation, but it’s usually as a separate “bolt-on” priority for the C-suite when evaluating how to improve a company’s environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) strategy. Most people in operations, for instance, are not usually thinking about sustainability in every step of the supply chain.

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Factory of the Future

探索我们对未来工厂的整体看法 - 有思想的解决方案,以发挥您的工厂的全部潜力。

领先的制造商再也无法以这种孤岛和狭窄的方式来考虑未来的工厂。风险是,随着他们在未来几年面临几个关键挑战时,它将困扰他们。已经提高了客户期望,全球政治转变以及supply chain短缺正在增加提高柔韧性和弹性的压力。实际上,制造库斯在最近的贝恩调查中将弹性和灵活性列为他们的两个顶级投资目标。BOB体育app

同时,通货膨胀和飙升的能源成本正在迫使大多数制造商将降低成本降低为重中之重。对于复合问题,制造商正在看到总体减少可用人才. At the same time, markets and customers are demanding sustainable products with greater awareness of companies that focus on sustainable production, circularity, and reduced waste.

随着公司在这项新的工业革命中的多重需求中,许多制造商正在更广泛地确定对未来工厂的具体愿景,并在其网络中努力朝着这种野心努力。领先的公司超越了新技术,该技术是行业4.0的一部分,并采用了综合方法。这种集成的制造策略将数字,精益和可持续性结合在未来面向的网络和生产系统中,通过将信息技术系统与运营技术系统(“ IT/OT”)合并,制造技术和新的概念是通过将信息技术系统融合来实现的。劳动。操作系统是将这种综合策略带入生活并随着时间维持的基础。

A system-wide perspective

Companies that incorporate an integrated approach consider not only the four walls of the factory but also the entire network, supply, and factory production system. Executives evaluate how digital can be used to directly improve processes that have already been optimized through lean, TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), and other methodologies. Consequently, implementing Industry 4.0 is intertwined in the broader manufacturing strategy, routines, approaches, and processes rather than simply piloting individual use cases.

With a system-wide perspective, it is possible to chart a clear development path. This would include steps to take now to design a factory of the future that can grow and be built upon over the next decade. To do so, leaders are adopting a “present-forward, future-back approach,” in which they understand how to shape the network and production system of the future and in which they work to take relevant steps now to integrate lean, digital, and sustainability in a cohesive way.

The enablers



Companies that manage to combine these elements will have an advantage and are best equipped to seize the opportunities and cope with the risks on the journey toward creating a factory of the future.


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