
  • 改善塑料的圆形性(将使用的塑料归还给供应链而不是浪费)对于实现可持续性目标至关重要。
  • At the current pace, only 10% to 14% of plastics will be recycled by 2030, falling well short of announced targets.
  • Companies that make and use plastics need to establish partnerships and change the way they operate to develop joint solutions that improve circularity.
  • 还需要支持立法和行业标准来帮助改变行为并加强循环经济学。


As attention has focused on the problem of plastic pollution in the environment, governments and the private sector have taken steps to promote recycling and reduce plastic waste. These measures include phasing out certain single-use plastics and setting specific goals on plastics recycling. Targets vary by region. For example, the European Union aims to recycle all plastic packaging by 2030, whereas the US aims to recycle half.



But they’ve also said this is one of their many priorities, along with broader environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) commitments, including emissions reductions (see Figure 1). In many cases, improving plastic circularity will also reduce emissions, making it essential for delivering on the industry’s decarbonization goals and ensuring the license to operate among growing concern about plastic waste.

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As we talk with our clients, we’re seeing three types of actions aimed at accelerating the momentum behind plastics recycling.


如今,大多数塑料回收都是机械的 - 处理材料,但保持分子完整。化学加工 - 改变聚合物废物的化学结构 - 可以回收更多塑料。但是化学回收主要保持在研发水平(1千吨或更少)或试点程序量表(10至30千吨),主要集中在聚烯烃上。飞行员帮助克服技术挑战,证明可扩展性和商业生存能力,并提供改善过程稳定性和产量的经验。我们预计,其中一些努力将在未来五年内扩展到​​商业水平。




合作伙伴关系和新商业模式。规模,可持续解决方案将需要合作伙伴关系,以确保可再生材料的稳定供应和回收材料的市场。供应链合作伙伴关系可以帮助确保一致的可再生投入流,这对于发展市场至关重要。这些伙伴关系需要扩展到某些地区出现的当地倡议。塑料用户还建立了合作伙伴关系。Mondelez International正在与废物管理启动塑料能源合作,使用其由Postsumer Plastics为费城奶油奶酪容器制成的聚丙烯原料。

Offtake agreements are critical to ensure demand for recycled materials as production scales up. These agreements, which ensure delivery of the recycled materials produced, give producers a runway to gain experience, become more efficient, and reduce costs. We typically find that early offtake agreements are with customers willing to pay a premium for better ESG performance, whether because of individual commitments or local regulation. Companies like The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé, and PepsiCo have made commitments to increasing recycled content in plastic bottles. Our customer research has found that brands are typically willing to pay initial premiums of up to 25% above virgin pricing for these applications. Depending on the application, the relative change in product price will be much lower as the plastic forms only a small part of the total cost. In plastic resins for bottles, for example, a premium of around 20% for recycled plastics raises the price of the end product by about 2%. A Bain survey across the UK, France, and the Netherlands found that 75% of consumers said they’d pay more for sustainable products.


Governments can also take specific actions to support growth in recycling. For example, they could restrict the use of, or tax, virgin plastics, thus promoting the use of recycled content. They could also consider minimum requirements of recycled content in plastics by extending renewable blending requirements to chemicals, similar to renewable fuel standards, which will help promote the use of renewable hydrocarbons in petrochemicals.


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Although current efforts aren’t yet at the scale required, plastics recycling, the use of recycled content, and the use of low-carbon plastics are sure to increase. Companies that prepare now to scale up, connect to high-quality waste streams, and ensure a long-term supply of feedstock can put themselves in a stronger position in sustainable plastics.



