
私人产权’s New Business Services Challenge

私人产权’s New Business Services Challenge


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私人产权’s New Business Services Challenge


The appeal is clear: The sector has enjoyed a strong set of technology-enabled growth trends made stronger by the long economic expansion. Chronic talent shortages and increased outsourcing of noncore business activities have spurred demand for everything from IT, legal and market analytics expertise to logistics, business process outsourcing (BPO) and janitorial services. PE investors have benefited from steady organic growth and the opportunity to execute lucrativebuy-and-build strategiesto create scale players. That, plus a healthy dose of multiple expansion, has led to strong, consistent returns.

But whether the momentum can continue, especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, will hinge on PE funds’ willingness to alter their investment approach to the sector.

A new ball game

It’s not that the future for business services isn’t still bright. While the sharp slowdown in global economic activity due to the pandemic will inevitably hurt short-term demand for outsourced services, the longer-term outlook in most subsectors remains relatively strong (see Figure 1). The challenge is that asset price multiples remain at record levels (as is the case for nearly all industries), suggesting that investors will need additional sources of upside in the future. It’s also true that many key sectors are already well along the outsourcing penetration curve, meaning the pace of growth may soften over time. Taken together, these issues suggest that creating the kind of value PE investors have become accustomed to will require deploying a new set of strategies.

Figure 1 ">



Figure 2 ">





Service delivery.根据业务服务子部门的不同,全职薪水可以占整体成本结构的70%。因此,在管理人员并优化他们用于提供服务的过程方面,通常会有足够的改进空间。例如,呼叫中心员工处理各种任务,可以同时提高人员配备灵活性并改善服务。离岸某些过程并自动化其他过程可以产生明显的效率。杂货后的通配符将是对服务的需求变化,因为公司适应了新的事物。但是,这可能是一个机会,让他们积极预期变革并创新新的方式来满足不断发展的客户需求的机会。

Operating model.商业服务公司,尤其是那些通过收购缝合在一起的公司,不必担心要优化操作模型以匹配他们提供的服务的面包和燃料业务。但是,复杂性的快速增长和缺乏组织融合最终会造成混乱和效率低下,几乎一开始就不可感知地。从一张干净的纸开始是关键。放缓是零基数产品和流程的好时机 - 通过服务方式来思考应该交付与过去如何交付。这也是定义明确的关键任务角色和报告行,与合适的人一起填补这些角色,合理的激励措施并灌输新行为的好时机。这类在战es中的工作可以创建一个更敏捷,适合的组织。

Commercial excellence.Business services companies have traditionally focused on initiatives like salesforce optimization to improve top-line performance—and that should remain a priority. But there is also a cost angle to creating a smarter, more focused sales organization that has gotten less attention. It involves giving teams the tools, processes and training to help them be most efficient and productive. One example: data scraping tools that provide salespeople with core information about a prospect. Traditionally, teams relied on sales support to do this grunt work. But scraping is a more efficient way to capture the data.


一个很好的例子是莫德里亚(Modria),这是泰勒技术部队的一个单位,在Covid-19之前,它已经在在线争议解决方面建立了强大的业务。Modria专门研究电子商务,保险和其他小额索赔 - 类型的纠纷,使用数字界面和人工智能来降低原本非常昂贵,耗时的过程的成本。平均案件需要六天的时间来解决(在法庭上几个星期),并消除了对昂贵的法律建议的需求。莫德里亚目前专注于美国,但在加拿大和欧盟和中国正在扩展。这也是机会主义:随着共同危机的袭击,其父母引入了名为Tyler Virtual Court的申请,允许关闭的法院完全在网上进行会议。

Faced with the threat of disruption, incumbent business services companies need to get faster and smarter. Ultimately, that may require a back-office transformation—integrating IT systems and migrating to the cloud—especially for buy-and-build companies that are getting by with a thicket of different legacy technologies. But a digital focus can also produce important wins on the front end, particularly through robotic process automation.

A large BPO company based in the UK faced a typical challenge. Having grown rapidly through acquisition with little attention to integration, the company eventually began to trip over its own cost structure and complexity. Setting it right required intervention on various fronts: a complete zero-basing of the G&A cost structure and a transformation of the operating model to deploy workforce tools and rationalize spans and layers. The company also optimized its IT systems by increasing offshore development and eliminating legacy systems.

What changed the game for this company and its clients, however, was building an internal capability dedicated to automating repetitive, mistake-prone processes that were both labor intensive and costly. The new capability was not an attempt to bring everything in house, but a center of automation excellence that could create partnerships, assemble resources and help scale automation across the company.





Business services still offers private equity investors the opportunity to generate strong returns. But as the historical sources of value ebb in a weakening economy, the formula for success is changing, too. To win in a more difficult environment, funds will have to think harder about how to use digital and operational excellence to create stronger, more efficient competitors.


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